Results of the FIAS social audit

25 April 2013 Sergei Grishin
Results of the FIAS social audit

The International SAMBO Federation is not subject to the obligatory audit according to its aggregate finance indicators. But in order to ensure the activities financial transparency within the general recommendations of the international sporting bodies FIAS decided to provide the social audit of the International SAMBO Federation.

In accordance with Article 15 of FIAS Charter FIAS Congress has the exclusive right to appoint an auditor. In 2010 in Beijing (China) FIAS Congress appointed as an auditor the company, proposed by the currently dismissed International SAMBO Federation Secretary General N. Lenz – FIREX AUDIT & CONSULTING SA. During March-April 2013 FIREX AUDIT & CONSULTING SA has been conducting the audit. According to the results of the audit no violations were detected. The auditor’s report can be found here.

You can find the Audit report below.

FIAS Audit Report

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